It’s not just people that are currently in desperate need of a hair cut! It’s that time of year when hedges are also in need of a trim.  So resist having a go yourself and call for a quote to avoid those wonky fringes or missing chunks!


I am able to offer my services in a safe manner that adheres to current government guidelines and observes social distancing rules. If you are self isolating, shielding or just need some help and you’re an existing customer or I’m visiting your property to quote/undertake work just let me know if you need anything.


2013-04-15 12.08.23Having enjoyed the recent dry spell and even felt the warmth of the sun it would seem that Spring is definitely here and Summer is just around the corner!   Trees are very much in leaf and gardens are alive in colour.  This is therefore an ideal time to call for a quote for all your weeding, planting, tree pruning and general garden maintenance needs.